Marketing 101: Brand Imagery

Example of not so good photos. Left photo shows a loc ponytail but with messy background. Right photo shows collage photo of hair too close up.

Look how far I’ve come…

Well, you can’t really tell in this picture, but compared to the cover photo of this post, you can! In one of my live class a week or so ago, I showed this as an example of what not to do when trying to stand out in a saturated market. The picture on the right is posted to my salon’s Instagram page from years ago. The picture on the left, never made it to the internet streets.

I Googled ‘percentage of people purchase from imagery’ and one of the responses said that 75% of online shoppers rely on product photos prior to purchasing. I believe that number could be higher, especially when it comes to the beauty and grooming industry. Imagine if I always had pictures that looked like either of these? YIKES!

Actor Steve Carell making face of yikes

Your portfolio should tell a story…

Whether you’re a DIYer or a professional, your work should speak for you. The best representation of that when the world is asleep is your portfolio. Examples would be:

Now, I’ve been doing hair for around 15 years, and imagine if all my work looked like the collage at top of this post on the right. Not in 2023, bay-bee! So when trying to present yourself to the world, make sure that you have a clear photo that details your work, have good lighting, and make sure your clients are having fun with you while doing it.


Marketing 101: Logo Design


Luxe Locs: Loctician Certification Hands-On Workshop